About the Cafeteria
▼Each Dormitory’s Location in Relation to the Cafeteria![]()
Sendai Ikuei Gakuen Campuses Guide
【Sendai Station→Miyagino Campus】
▼JR Senseki Line: Sendai Station to Miyaginohara Station (4 min.)
About a 1-minute walk from Miyaginohara Station to Miyagino Campus
【Sendai Station→Tagajo Campus】
▼JR Senseki Line: Sendai Station to Nakanosakae Station (17 min.)
About a 5-minute walk from Nakanosakae Station to Tagajo Campus
▼JR Tohoku Main Line: Sendai Station to Kokufu-Tagajo Station (13+ minutes, no transfer)
From Kokufu-Tagajo station to Tagajo Campus【Shuttle bus service to and from school】
【Miyagino Campus→Tagajo Campus】
▼JR Senseki Line: From Miyaginohara Station to Nakano Sakae Station (13 minutes)
From Nakanosakae Station to Tagajo Campus, 5-minute walk.
▼The "Happy Line"also operates during the school day (bus service between Tagajo and Miyagino campus).
All of the school dormitories are private rooms, and showers and toilets have been installed in each of the individual rooms of Taishi Gijuku, IKUEI 90, and Shimeikan.
The rest of the dormitories will be fashioned similarly at a later date.▼Number of people in each dormitory room【*as of August 10, 2020】
*There were no students in the Shimeikan dormitory at the time of tally as it had just undergone construction of toilets and showers in the private rooms.
*Each dormitory is staffed by faculty members and tutors who provide academic and lifestyle guidance.▼寮での取り組み
Dormitory students do their own cleaning and laundry. "Tutoring Study" administered by tutors in dormitories and schools, and community cleanup activities are also conducted. Many students enjoy a fulfilling life in the dormitory with their studies, club activities, and school life.
《Example of Tutoring Study》
KUEI90 at TagajoIt is held at IKUEI90 on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday evenings from 7:00 p.m. (tutoring may not be available on some days.) Students study in their rooms or dormitory learning spaces under the guidance of overnight tutors. Depending on the situation, individual or group tutoring will be provided.Special University Preparatory Course at Miyagino
After school, one classroom is used as a "tutor consultation room". University students (particularly alumni of the Special University Preparatory Course) are brought in to aid in studies from Monday to Friday.For more information about the Tutor Consultation Room and Special University Preparatory Course Juku, click here (in Japanese).
▲Community Cleanup Activities ▲Tutoring Study (IKUEI90)
Taishi Gijyuku Dormitory
