
外国語コーススピーチコンテスト 受賞者全文

2017/18 Topics 外国語コース 英語スピーチコンテスト  受賞者全文


1st place

「Disabled person's future」
外国語コース2年 森下さん


 My brother has mental disability and autism. You may know about mental disability, but you may not know about autism. Autism is a congenital disorder that affects the function. Characteristics of autism are unable to communicate well, focused interests and being behind in language acquisition. No cure has yet been found for this disability. My brother has gone to the special needs education school and he studies hard. There are two opinion that I formed through past experience. The first, Japanese tend to get rid of minorities. Second, I feel uncertain about disabled person's future because of such tendencies.
 Why do I think so? Several years ago, most of my friends despised my brother because he was behind them. I was deeply shocked and I became ashamed of him.

 However, when I went on a study trip to Hawaii, that thought changed. One day, I talked about my brother to my host family. They said, "it's natural that people differ in their features. You don't need to be ashamed of him" and I felt their words made me came to my senses. Afterward, an overseas student said the same thing as my host family said. Then, I thought maybe most Japanese people can't accept other people like those who are disabled. So, such tendencies make living more difficult for minorities such as them.

 Again why do I feel unease about disabled people's future? I have another experience when I felt embarrassed. The special needs school my brother goes to has job training to help support himself. During training, they work to make industrial products and my brother was assigned to the bead product group. First, I got sad just thinking of him stuffing beads endlessly every day. When becomes an adult, will he only be simple work?

 But my mind changed when he showed me a finished product with pride. I noticed my brother is proud of things that I felt pitiful about and that is all he can do. I had discriminated against him unconsciously. I decided to try and understand disabled people more. One reason disabled people are discriminated against is because there is still not a whole lot understanding about them. We should make a society where disabled people can live with peace of mind by expanding our understanding of disabled people.

 I think there are too many Japanese people who try to get rid of people who are different from us. At first, you might be unable to accept them, but we should try to understand them because they are proud of themselves just like we are. We should introduce classes that help us to understand disabled people. Such as moral education when we are young.



2nd place

「New Chapter of My Life」
外国語コース1年 金井さん


 Dreams and hopes are somehow inside every one of us. We were born believing, hoping and wishing of something. As well as me, in my mind there is always one thought that takes place somewhere and I always wish it will happen. It is just a hope that once in my lifetime I will have a chance to wander around a country. A country not only for travelling but for living. Living in a country and having no idea how it will turn out but that is what I call a "New chapter of my life."Staying in the same country for a lifetime is never there in my mind. Maybe, it is because I like travelling and experiencing new things and that led me to the conclusion of hoping to live abroad at some point of my life. It took me a long time to find out if this was I really wanted to do and at last I came up with the final decision and made it here.

 There were many worries from my parents and me, myself, but at least I needed to give it a try first. Many things happened because moving there means that lots of things would change; friends lifestyle, language, culture and many more. It is like when you change half of what you used to into something completely different. Moreover, you need more responsibility because there is no one else to tell or show you what to do anymore.

 It is hard at first but later you will find out that it is worth it because it is like you lose something but you also get something precious in return. I stepped out of my comfort zone but in exchange, I learned and experienced many life's lessons. I learned more about the country's culture and manners which are the basic knowledge apart from the language. Because when I chose to move, it means that I am willing to change myself and follow what Japanese people do. I needed to put effort on communicating with others which has always been my problem because I am not good at talking with new people. I am trying my best in every ways though I only improve little by little but that shows that I am improving myself.

 Being in the country that I am not familiar with gives me lots of experiences that I have never experienced. This decision made me grow up and I learned to manage things by myself. Even though sometimes thing do not go the way I think but I will not regret making this decision. Living in a different society makes me look at the world more widely and also makes me become more open -minded. For me, changing means growing and becoming more of an understanding person.



3rd place

「The meaning of Life」
外国語コース2年 徐さん


 The Meaning of Life Kanei Jo What do you think about the meaning of life?

 I always ask this question to myself; "What's the meaning of my life?" I have asked this question to many people around me and I got different answers. Some think that they live for fame or money.

 Others think that they live for fun. Some people can't find any clear answer.

 My parents had been very busy with their work when I was very small. They were so busy that I was sent to my teacher's house. I was there so that the teacher might take good care of me. 

 I could meet my parents only once a week. They took me to various places to play with me as other parents did and it was only my happiest memory. But I always complained to my parents about my situations because I felt lonely and couldn't understand their situations. I started to live with my parents when I was a primary school student. Then, I found that I had a much better living environment than others. I also realized the reason why my parents had been so busy. It was because they did everything for my sake, my education and my future.

 I decided to study abroad to study when I was 15 years old. One day, I said to my family, "Daily life here is not enough and it's boring, so I want to challenge myself." They asked me if I was interested in studying in Japan. I said, "yes" without any hesitation.

 After one year, I came to Japan. My new life in Japan was completely different for me. At first, I was not good at making friends and I was lonely. Studying Japanese was also one of my biggest problems. Every time I felt like giving up, I thought of what my father said to me, "As long as you made a big decision, never turn back." I started to study Japanese very diligently and came to be able to get along well with everyone around me.

 Now, I have been in Japan for two years and everything is getting better and better. I learned many things from my family. I always appreciate what my parents have done for me. And I suppose that the meaning of life for my parents is me. As for me, the most important meaning of life is never give up and always be grateful.

 Thank you for your attention.

