外国語コース 留学生のウェンさんが名古屋大学に合格しました!
ベトナムからの留学生ファム ダオ フォン ウェンさん(外国語コース2023年3月卒業)が、名古屋大学 Social Sciences School of Economicsに合格し、今年の秋から入学予定です。名古屋大学は日本大学ランキング2023で《8位》、世界大学ランキング2023で《301–350位》の実績を誇る国立大学です。また、ウェンさんは本学園でIBDP(国際バカロレア ディプロマプログラム)を受講し、フルディプロマを取得しました(IB合格メッセージはこちら)。積み重ねた3年間の努力と仙台育英学園での思い出、後輩たちに向けたメッセージを寄せてくれましたので、ここで紹介しましょう。
I wanted to apply for Nagoya University because it is one of the only public universities in Japan that has a School of Economics. Moreover, Nagoya University offers great financial aid for international students with the G30 scholarship which will significantly reduce the financial burden for me and my family. Nagoya University is also equipped with a diverse and interactive learning environment with only 15 students per program. This will promote the interaction between students and professors, including more student-oriented classes, and close-knit connections among the classmates. These factors combined is the reason I decided to apply for Nagoya University.
I often use online resources to find study material or make my own based on the subject. I dedicated a lot of time to self-study at night and developed a habit to start studying at a certain time.
Nagoya University's G30 program is unique in that it is not compulsory for students to submit standardized test scores. Therefore, I knew that to appeal to the university I have to do it through the application essay and topic essay. In the topic essay, I discussed the topic question in different perspectives of many countries as well as writing the essay analytically to demonstrate my global mindedness and critical thinking skill. I also prepared for the essays and interviews several weeks ahead of time and receiving comments, practicing with the teachers in order to assure the best performance I could achieve.
My 3 years in high school were very eventful so I had a lot of core memories throughout the year. But the moments that I cherished the most are those lunches that I had with my friends where we just being young, joking around, having fun, and enjoying each other's company.
Keep moving forward and believe in yourself that you can do it!!