〈国際バカロレア ディプロマプログラム〉IBDP受講生からのメッセージ

想像していたとおり? あるいは、想像とは違った?質問3
2 年間の受講で苦労したこと、辛かったこと。質問5
DPに挑戦して「これがいちばんの収穫! 」といえることは?質問7
これからのあなたの未来は? (夢、目標、展望-)質問8
I had a goal to go abroad and interact with people who had different perspectives. I considered a lot with my parents about what I could do to achieve my goal. The decision was made to challenge the IB program at Sendai Ikuei highschool.
Even before starting the program, I was aware from many people and media that the IBDP program was tough and difficult. Nevertheless, when I actually started the program, it was more challenging than I imagined. Assignments given every day were difficult for me to manage my time and complete perfectly.
EE(Extended Essay) and Mathematics. Looking back on my IBDP, these two subjects had the most impact on me and were the most interesting to complete. EE was the subject I found most hard and was afraid to take even before I started IB. I was able to successfully complete my EE through a lot of communication with my teacher. Also, math was the subject I was most interested in taking. Through IB Mathematics, I learned how much influence mathematics has on our world and had fun thinking and analyzing it from the perspective of an IB learner.
It was challenging to manage time with so many tasks. Each time, I consulted with the teachers and adjusted my assignments to finish them.
Through the IBDP, I could improve my thinking skills and writing skills. We had TOK classes, and in this class, we needed to think from a different perspective. This makes me do introspection myself.
After I started DP, I became a person who likes challenging. This attitude makes me do what I would not do before.
From now on, I want to utilize my mathematics knowledge in environmental engineering. To achieve my goal, I decided to go to abroad and improve my mathematics more.
Don’t procrastinate, and do your best.
滝澤 佳和さん外国語コース 2023年4月 卒業予定(米国出身)
It was offered to me when I entered the school and it was the only program taught all in english.
It was as I had imagined.
The IAs.
I think I improved in my presentation skills- both making them and presenting them.
Close relationship with my friends/classmates.
Your results will reflect your efforts.
I did the IB MYP so naturally, I thought that studying the DP would serve to hone my personal skills most effectively. This decision was also driven by my goal of pursuing art and design as a career—the IBDP Visual Arts allows students the opportunity to explore their artistic visions and curate an exhibition of their own.
I knew from the very beginning how demanding the programme would be, but never could have imagined how such a short two year period could change my outlook on life and academics so much.
Visual Arts and History.
Every single aspect about the DP was challenging but considering my position as an international student living far away from home, I find it most difficult when it comes to maintaining the motivation to study. It is tough to focus on reviewing and writing essays in the dormitory room when your bed is right behind you.
I personally thought that I became more critical as a thinker. Especially after two years of studying the TOK, I also developed the habit to view concepts and ideas through different perspectives. Aside from that, I used to be ignorant towards issues happening all around the world but because of the value the IB puts on “Real-Life Situations”, I have grown to become more globally aware.
Honestly, everything—what I have written for the IAs, IO, EE, Comparative Study, and what I have made for my exhibition. And of course, receiving the Diploma with grades that reflect my effort and dedication to the programme.
I hope that in the future, I will grow to be an independent person who could contribute to the betterment of the world in creative ways.
Make sure to maximize time and effort in DP Year 1 to brace yourselves for Year 2. Also, always plan ahead! It's never too early to start your EE.
I have been taking classes taught in English in my junior high school and I still want to keep doing classes in English despite studying in Japan. IBDP is the only program in this school that offers this. I also heard that IBDP is considered to be a good preparation for the university.
It was different from what I had expected as the teaching process is based on discussion in class. Everyone has to give their opinions in class which is good for me as I can practice expressing myself verbally.
Biology! I have found myself interested in Biology since junior high school. My enthusiasm for Biology remains even after I took an IB Biology class. I enjoyed experimenting and discussing in biology class a lot!
Personally, writing EE was the toughest thing to do as it took a lot of effort to write each paragraph. Since I am not good at writing, I had a hard time putting my thoughts into words. But once I was done, I felt relieved!
To be honest, I do not exactly know what I have changed or what I have improved. However, I believe that I can express myself a little better because I used to keep my opinions to myself before.
It is the first thing I saw in the IB final results: “Diploma awarded”
I plan to pursue a Bachelor’s Degree related to Biology at the university. My future job might be something related to Biology as well. For my personal growth, I want to be a trustworthy and reliable person!
Time management is very important. It is going to be tough once you become a 3rd-year student, so please do your best to not procrastinate your IAs, EE, and a TOK essay. But what important the most is ‘Do not overexert yourself!
My father said it would be a good experience, also I wanted a change in my life!
It was as I expected. I knew I would struggle a lot and I did.
English A & History. Although I did not do a good job with them all the classes were interesting and I enjoyed them! There were so many things I didn’t know until I took these classes so I thought it was so beneficial.
Everything. But the language barrier made everything even harder.
Presentation skills, essay writing skills, wider perspectives of everything, vocabulary.
Great friends!!!
Go to Korea and study what I actually love and have lots of interest in and enjoy my life!!! I’ll study hard so I can do what I like in the future!
If you are going to take the IB you shouldn’t think of it as an easy thing. IB needs lots of effort to do. If you don’t have these I wouldn’t recommend it because it is so stressful and hard. I think the IB gives a whole new and very beneficial experience. So if you want lots of new experiences and want to challenge yourself go for it!!!! Just don’t think it will be easy. Good luck to everyone who is going to do the IB!
Because my Japanese skills were behind the standard for Japanese high school students, I decided to look for classes that were taught in English.
I did not have much expectation toward the IB program at first but sure it would be tougher as the course continued.
I would say Visual Art and History because I had an interest in art and history since young. Both are fascinating and mysterious to learn or understand, which sparked my interest.
During my 2 years of IB, time management was the most challenging for me. I was struggling to manage time that would fit my lifestyle and as a student from another country, it was difficult not being able to meet my family and friends.
I was able to learn and gain such a great experience from the IB programme. I learned to be an open-minded person and be able to manage my time more efficiently than before. In addition, I felt that my language has grown throughout the time I spend learning in the IB.
Great Friendships and was able to experience new things such as CAS service with my friends regarding the International Days of Education, IAs, and EEs. I gained so much knowledge from IB and would like to continue to use that knowledge in my further study.
I don’t have any plans at the moment but in the future, I would like to work in the food industry like a restaurant or maybe an international career.
Don’t worry too much about whether you can or cannot, I think it's best to try first and then decide. Even if you fail, think of it as an experience or a new opportunity to improve yourself. Don’t stress yourself too much, wish you all the best!